Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Evaluation argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Evaluation argument - Essay Example However, the pathway to the dream becomes a nightmare. One of the aspects that make the movie rather exceptional is emanates from the storyline. Starring Al Pacino as Tony Montana, the movie contains not even a slight scrap of anything that can be mistaken for over-romanticizing, which the movie further scorn devoid of any mercy. As long as it is, it mainly demonstrates the impact of a single gasping story about the rapid rise and fall of a young lad in a cocaine industry. Unlike the original version of the movie that was rather emotional, Scarface presents a persistently vicious, ironic account of greed in which all the emotions that one is supposed to deem decent, are brought out in a manner that can be misrepresented. The movie is also remarkable in its casting especially in terms of the role given to Tony Montana who is depicted as intelligent yet hollow-eyed individual who seems to lack a promising future, however, his greediness and ambitions are so intense that they can at the same time be viewed as heroic in magnitude. Although many people may the dispute the cruelty of Tony Montana, this can be regarded as one of the strongest points of the movie in the sense that, after first developing a strong emotional attachment with the viewers, it reaches a point where Tony’s character starts to putrefy. Tony has absolutely no hesitation about taking a life for any profitable course that ironically makes him adored by the Florida drug baron. Another strong point of the movie can be derived from the fact that unlike other films where the climax is marked by the main character achieving the best out of all possible situations, in Scarface, Tony’s fall marks the high point of the movie. The last quarter of the movie treats the viewers to the scene of a paranoid Tony Montana whose addiction to cocaine has seen him losing control of himself and his business in general. The extent of his lack of control

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