Sunday, September 22, 2019

Not a fix topic, you can choose any topics Lab Report

Not a fix topic, you can choose any topics - Lab Report Example (Solomon, 3-6; Engel et al. 4-5) The present paper puts its focus on analyzing consuming behavior in the area of tourism. Tourism is considered to be a very important product or service. Consumer’s decision making process regarding tourism is, however, very complex as the decision making process in this case goes through a number of complicated stages. There exists a number of literatures which discusses the consumers’ decision making method involved in choosing a travel destination. The next section of the present paper of will present the finding regarding consumer behavior in tourism from the existing literatures, both theoretical, and empirical. After the completion of a rigorous literature review, the paper will present my own experience regarding choosing a travel destination. Once my own experiences is discussed, the next section will makes an attempt to compare my own findings with what have already been documented in the existing literature. Finally in the last part of this paper, the paper w ill summarize the findings and try to provide some marketing strategies that those tourists’ spot needs to apply for attracting consumers. Consumers make their travel decision by taking into account a lot of factors. The selection of a tourist spot is not at all random. A lot of researches are done by a consumer before choosing a particular place as his/her travel destination. Hence, while marketing for tourism, one should ensure that a correct image of the travel spot is being displayed to the consumers. Tourist’s decision making is dependent on a number of psychological, social, economical factors. Some of these factors are internal to the tourists while some factors are external. Among the internal factors that influence a tourist’s decision include options that are available to the tourists, perception regarding a holiday spot, attitude and personality of the individual, the tourist’s life style, existing

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