Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Management of Resources and Operations. Coca-Cola Company Term Paper

Management of Resources and Operations. Coca-Cola Company - Term Paper Example The company has been successful over the past years in terms of growth and market share globally. It uses franchising business model whereby it only manufactures the concentrate and then sells it to its franchised outlets. Its management is crucial to this success since it lays down the platform on how processes are done. To create an order in its operations, the global headquarters makes all major decisions like promotional advertisements and branding while every regional level implements them hence creation uniformity in the market. This research paper will seek to establish the management of resources and operations and the resultant success in Coca-Cola Company. Functions of Management Though management’s functions might vary, it carries out four key functions. In planning function, it identifies tasks to be done and offer procedure on how to perform them. It also declares and specifies the deadlines for the responsibilities. The main intention of planning is to work towar ds aspiration achievement both short term or long-term. Management controls by comparing performance against previous or set standards (Aswathappa & Dash. 2007:23). This enables the organization to set boundaries on business activities. Measuring of performance enables the organization to plan the next course of action as a corrective measure. Its organizing function encompasses dividing roles and tasks among employees as a mechanism of implementing of plans. Influencing may also mean motivating of employees. Therefore, through influencing, the management provides guiding principle on activities that are pilot to goal achievement. Influencing increases productivity in an organization since people are motivated (Griffin, 2011:12). Therefore, operations management ensures that production of goods is within the undeviating time possible, with the least amount of resources and customer needs addressed efficiently and effectively. Management Strategies in Coca-Cola Company The companyâ⠂¬â„¢ success and profitability is a fruit of its management strategies that keep its operations on track to goal achievement (Bodden, 2008:8). Its management involves itself in environmental scanning whereby it collects data, analyzes it, and provide information for strategy planning. This scanning helps it identify the present internal and external opportunities as well as threats. Therefore, it is essential to carry out the environmental analysis frequently for a continuous improvement in the organization. Strategy formulation is another milestone for success to Coca-Cola Company (Marr, 2010:286). It has a definite course of action on how to achieve the organizational goals. In other words, this may refer to the road map that the company should use in order to achieve its goals. The senior level management is bestowed with the responsibility for the formulation of long-term strategies, and shaping them. As the same time, the front line managers make decisions on tactical strategi es; they make short-term decisions. Another key function within the company is strategy implementation. Once the company establishes its strategy, putting it into operation is of significance (Jennings, 2011:27). The implementation process involves designing its structure, distributing resources, formulating a decision making channel, as well as managing

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